The Books I Read in June


  1. The Finger Collector

This book was my least favorite in June and something I will never read again.  You can view my review of The Finger Collector on my old blog


2. The Start of Me and You

This was definitely a fun read and perfect for the start of the summer.


3. Keeping the Beat

This book was one of the Goodreads Giveaways I received, and the best one that I have read out of the bunch so far.


4. The Ship

This was also another Goodreads Giveaway book. I had believed that this one would be good, but it turned out to be a dud.


5. Suddenly Royal

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This book was the last one I read this month. It was a lighthearted romance that you could easily guess what was going to happen next.


Review: The Ship

I received a copy of this book through Goodreads Giveaways…

Out of all of the books I have received through Goodreads Giveaways, I believed that this one had the most potential. Maybe once I have finished the rest of the books I have received, that statement will be true. But, for now, this book was very disappointing and did not rise up to be the amazing book that I thought it could be. The idea of the story was excellent, and I wanted to like it, believe me, but there was just something in the writing that seemed to make the book never end, it was like it was going in circles… Plus if you want a solid ending to a book, then this is not the book for you.

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Lalla or Lalage (a name that I can’t even pronounce) is a sixteen-year-old girl that grew up in future day London during a time of chaos. To avoid the end of the world her parents have created the ship, a place where they can go and live without the problems of the world. But they aren’t the only ones on the ship, they have also brought in many other people that they have chosen. But, Lalla doesn’t believe they should be running away from the people that are still on land, and with the supplies on the ship, she believes that they can help them. The only problem is is that everyone else on the ship has no problem with traveling to nowhere, helping no one, and living in a carefree world that goes in circles…

After about two hundred pages of this book, it seemed like it would never end and have a point to its story. And like the ship it seemed like the book was going in circles, having the main character think and do the same things as the chapters before.

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Not only did the book seem to never end, the main character possessed an amount of naivety and ignorance about the world that didn’t seem to fit in with the book. Different characters in the book kept talking about how Lalla parents had sheltered her, but at some point, she would have probably realized what was happening around her. Also, at different points in the story, Lalla acted like she was a mere ten years old rather than her sixteen.

Overall, even though this book is definitely on my favorites list, it did have a good idea behind it, and the writing wasn’t terrible so…


I give it a…

Image result for 2 stars


Here’s a copy of the book on Amazon…

Review: Keeping the Beat

I received a copy of this book through Goodreads Giveaways.

This book focuses on a group of teen girls that come together to form a band to compete in a reality show. If they win this show they would be able to go on an international world tour. But first, they have to go to LA to compete in the semifinals for the reality show. Their rock band ends up being a big success and as these girls encounter the fame of reality t.v. they face many obstacles. The secrets they keep and the troubles they encounter allow this book to show the reality of fame.

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Lucy Gosling, the drummer of the band is the main focus of this book, but it is told in alternating points of view. While I was reading this book, it was hard to keep track of what character was talking because you weren’t given a heads-up of who was talking. Though the different points of view were confusing at times, the different views of the other characters were refreshing and insightful.

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Altogether, this book didn’t seem to really flow. The alternating points of view made it hard to keep track of which band member was which and what problems they were currently. Not only that but at certain points, Lucy seemed to be too naive to be where she was.

Even though the different points of view were thoroughly confusing, I thought it was interesting to see the pressure that was placed upon the characters as they faced fame and I can definitely say that the twists in this book made it an interesting read.

I give it a…

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Here’s a link to the book on Amazon…


Review: The Start of You and Me

This book was a refreshing read after THE FINGER COLLECTOR, which was a pain to read, one of which I never fully completed.

The story focuses on Paige Hancock during her period of grief and rediscovery of herself after she lost her boyfriend two years earlier. In a small town where everyone knows everyone, she seems to think that the only thing that defines her is the loss of her boyfriend in a drowning accident. So to prove to herself and her town she creates a list to show she is more than the former girlfriend of Aaron Rosenthal.

This listed consisted of the following this to do…

1. Parties/social events

2. New Group

3. Date (RC)

4. Travel

5. Swim

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During her quest to complete her list, Paige believes that Ryan is the boy for her to help get over her loss. He sweet and kind and everything she thought she hoped for in a boyfriend, but there was something that just didn’t click between them. But, the nerdy boy that she never thought of that way, could just be something more…

Paige’s character surprised me throughout the book. I’ve tried at least three times to start this book and only managed to get through the first chapter, but there was something different about this time around. This time around I was surprised to find that I actually LOVED this book. Paige was a character that’s relatable. She wasn’t one of those perfect girls you often find within a YA book. She was real, she had problems and ways to deal with them. Paige’s character was full of emotion and you could feel how she was affected by the loss of her boyfriend and the PTSD that she faced from it. Even though at some points Paige seemed to get on my nerves, the depth to her character made up for it.

Not only was Paige an amazing main character, but her friend group may have been the strongest minor characters that I have read in a while. Each of them had their own problems, but they all came together to support each other in their times of need. Emery Lord doesn’t put all of the problems on one character, instead, she spreads them out amongst the group and allowing the friends to be major influences on helping them get past their trials.

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Okay, so this might have been the cutest love story that I have read in a YA in a while. Paige’s quest to date Ryan is what really seemed to bug me about this book. You could tell they just didn’t click. But when Max stepped into the picture, that’s when this book turned towards the better. Max and Paige are sweet together, their cheerful banter is hilarious and enjoyable and makes you want to keep reading. Emery Lord did an amazing job displaying the emotions between Paige and Max and they helped each other cope with the problems in their lives. Because of this delightfully cute romance, and the amazing friend group portrayed within The Start of You and Me…

I give it a…

 Image result for 4.5/5 stars

Here’s a copy of the book on Amazon…